Teaching Advanced Physics: Electric current

From the Institute of Physics, these resources are split into topics and each topic is subdivided into a number of learning episodes. Each episode represents a coherent section of teaching which is typically one or two lessons. The topics covered include: * Electric current and charge carriers * Electrical resistance, thermistors and LDRs * Series and parallel circuits * Kirchhoff’s laws * Electrical energy and power (direct and alternating current) * EMF and internal resistance * Capacitors, capacitance, energy and discharge * Semiconductor devices



Showing 31 result(s)

Episode 129: Discharge of a Capacitor

In this learning episode from the Institute of Physics, students investigate and characterise the exponential discharge of a capacitor.

Activities include:
• looking at exponential discharge

Episode 130: R-C Circuits and Other Systems

From the Institute of Physics, this learning episode looks at energy stored in capacitors and springs as well as the comparison between radioactive decay and a capacitor's discharge. It allows students to explore the concepts of energy storage and exponential decrease...

Episode 105: Sources of Electrical Energy

This activity from the Institute of Physics discusses energy transfer in electric circuits and links this, by analogy, to other more familiar examples.

The activities include:
• demonstrations of human and lemon-powered batteries to illustrate that that there is nothing special about the chemical...
