Practical Action

Practical Action is a development charity which uses simple technology to fight poverty. The learning resources in this collection look at how issues such as climate change and the need for renewable energy can be tackled. The resources contain background information, teachers' packs, classroom activities, stimulus sheets and other materials suitable for primary and secondary science.



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Practical Action's climate change teaching resources are suitable for KS2 to KS5. They include activities, posters, complete lessons, homework and extension activities. 

A collection of STEM challenges created by Practical Action to support primary and secondary STEM Clubs and curriculum activity.

Teaching resources to support teaching of chemistry within the UK science curricula. Set within a global context resources draw on Practical Action’s’ projects in the developing world.  Suitable for ages 7-16.

Teaching resources from Practical Action which help students to understand sustainable development. They explore aspects of contemporary issues. Suitable for classes in science or technology, ages 7-16


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