Bowland Maths includes over thirty tasks designed to help assess students’ achievements and progression against key processes. To help with this assessment, each task contains sample work, and a 'progression table' showing how students’ work on the task can provide evidence of their progress with the four key processes: representing, analysing, communicating and reflecting. These materials are also ideal for formative assessment that concentrates on providing the types of rich feedback that have been proven to help students improve their reasoning.



Showing 35 result(s)

Rods and Triangles

In this Bowland assessment task, students are presented with five rods of different lengths. Rods can be joined to make different triangles. Students are challenged to form as many triangles with as many different properties as possible. They are required to identify triangles, describe angles, justify their...

Royal Liver Clock

In this Bowland assessment task, students are shown a picture of one of the clock faces from the Royal Liver building that was once used as a table. Students are asked to estimate how many people could sit around this table. The diameter of the clock is given in feet so that the circumference can be calculated....

Security Camera

A shop owner is to install a security camera in his shop to help prevent shoplifting. Students analyse a plan of the shop, using loci and construction to identify which shoppers are not in view of the camera and calculate what percentage of the shop is not covered. The second part of the activity requires students...

Smoothie Box

In this Bowland assessment task, students are presented with an accurate drawing of a smoothie bottle. The task is to design a box that will hold twelve bottles. Students are required to measure significant parts of the bottle and use the results to help design the box, draw the net of the box, label the dimensions...
