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Current RoleITE Lead/Mentor


Sue McGrath aka ‘Scientific Sue’ is the Director of Science2Life, an outreach educational provider and consultant dedicated to the communication of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in a passionate and engaging fashion. Her aim is to “effect change, achieve results and make science fun!”

Sue is a graduate of Queen’s University, Belfast. She taught Physics, Chemistry and Drama for 10 years before becoming the Senior Manager for Educational Programmes in the start-up team for the now world renowned Science Centre whowhatwherewhenwhy-w5 at Odyssey, Northern Ireland.

In her current role as a professional science communicator Sue combines her in-depth subject knowledge, her creativity and drama background with her commercial and strategic expertise to develop and deliver a range of thought provoking and engaging educational activities and training programmes.

Sue’s qualifications include a BSc Honours in Physics and Mathematics, a PGCE in teaching secondary education, a Certificate in Education, Diploma in Advanced Secondary Education and a Masters in Educational studies. In addition she has written a book and written for several science magazines such as science spin and physics education, of which she was an editorial board member from 2002 -2004; produced hands-on science kits; and has extensive television exposure in Ireland.

Sue was made a Fellow of the Institute of Physics in 2004 and has continued her connection with them by delivering teacher training programmes and shows across Northern Ireland on behalf of the IoP.


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