Jon Board's public profile

UsernameJon Board
OrganisationNo Organisation
Current RoleTeacher

Jon Board has been a primary teacher and science subject leader since 2000 and has worked at the University of Manchester lecturing in primary science since 2003. He currently works as a specialist teacher of primary science at Mauldeth Road Primary School, at both KS1 and KS2. He is also an independent primary science consultant and has worked on many projects including with the BBC on Stargazing Live, House of Sound and Bitesize and with Cambridge International Examinations on curriculum development and teacher training projects in Cairo, Macedonia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Jordan.

Jon is a joint author of Creative Ways to Teach Primary Science (McGraw Hill) and Cambridge Primary Science (Cambridge University Press). His most recent publication, Curious Learners in Primary Maths, Science, Computing and DT was published by Sage in September 2016.


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