Chris Sharples's public profile

UsernameChris Sharples
OrganisationRead School
Current RoleHead of department/Subject Lead

Head of Computing P/T, Read School
NCCE Professional Development Leader
NCCE Author

Read School is a small, Independent school in North Yorkshire. I have various roles and responsibilities; I teach KS3, and the Pearson Edexcel CS GCSE at KS4; I run a department with a successful curriculum at KS3/4/5 with the help and support of two other colleagues.

I was a CS Champion for the NCCE for 4 years, helping more than 200 teachers pass their CSA, and I still do occasional sessions on “Pass the CSA Test”.

I teach many of the NCCE online and face 2 face courses and always appreciate the buzz of getting together with hard working teachers to share ideas of what works well, and what else we can do to support our students with their learning.

I have revised and taught the KS3: creative computing curriculum course, and am currently working on the STEM Developing Media course and refinement of courses CP412/3 (Diagnostic questions and Assessment)


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