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This uses a motor, a sparkle and a marble to imitate a lighthouse. It can be made harder by incorporating LDRs.

This resource from CAS London is a reference guide to compilers, interpreters and assemblers. It could be used as a revision summary for students or as a reference for questions.

These paired activities, from Paul Curzon of the CS4FN team, offer an interesting slant on search algorithms and their relative efficiency.

Students are asked to consider sufferers of ‘locked-in syndrome’, a condition that leaves a healthy mind inside body that is, often, completely paralysed. If the...

This activity combines computing and maths to look at algorithms. Children are challenged to solve missing number problems in number sequences, using logical reasoning. Additional challenges are then presented, and children are asked to share not just the answer, but the approach they took to solving the problem...

This resource provides a set of videos and a practical investigation aimed at supporting working scientifically in the classroom and relating science to real world experiences. In the first video Professor Brian Cox joins a teacher in a classroom to demonstrate the setting up and carrying out of the experiment. In...

The machines of the future pack outlines a project challenging students working in teams to design a household product that uses machine learning.  Activities encourage students to research current technology, develop and plan the concept for their product, reflect on previous knowledge and present their work.

In this multi-lesson project pupils design and code a computer game. It uses a rainforest theme but can be adapted to any topic, with learners of varying age or ability.

The project includes:

  • Decomposition of the elements of a game
  • Designing the game
  • Creating assets for the...

This sample, taken from a teacher guide, makes use of Lego NXT programmable kits to create musical instruments. Controllable devices are built that can ‘play’ percussion instruments such as a xylophone and a drum; other ideas include making a trumpet using NXT touch sensors for buttons, or controlling tone using...

This is one of a series of resources to support the use of the BBC micro:bit. This resource focusses on pupils designing, programming and using a programmable device that can be used as a musical instrument in a class performance.

In this activity pupils will design and create a programmable device that can...

This is a great resource for providing underpinning mathematical knowledge for A level computer science. It is broken down into topics so could be used in small sessions to reinforce understanding. Set theory, numbers, cardinality, cartesian product, regular expressions, vectors and dot product, functions and Big O...

This is one of a series of resources to support the use of the BBC micro:bit. This resource focusses on pupils designing and programming a BBC micro:bit to help wheelchair athletes monitor and record their sporting performance over time.

In this activity pupils will make use of the BBC micro:bit to design...

Learners will create a prototype food temperature probe...

A 4-week lesson programme introducing robotics to KS3 using a Micro:Bit and a BitBot. The Bit:Bot Robot is easy to assemble and comes equipped with programmable neopixels, light and line following sensors.  This series of lessons introduce embedded programming, control structures, switching on the neopixels,...

The RRS Sir David Attenborough is the new research vessel that will operate in many hostile conditions whilst carrying out scientific investigations. The ship has 6 degrees of motion – heave, roll, pitch, surge, sway and yaw. The RRS Sir David Attenborough has 2 motion reference units which monitor all of these all...
