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In this activity, students learn about heat transfer from jet engine turbine blades. The blades reach temperatures as high as 1000 ºC. How do the blades cool, and how do scientists measure the rate of cooling at such high temperatures?


This resource combines understanding of the natural world with maths skills, to create a map and guidebook of the local flora and fauna. In this activity learners will work together to gather information about local flora and fauna. They will create a map with coordinates showing the location of plants and animals...

In this activity, students synthesise prior learning about structure and bonding, and about enzymes, and apply it to a new context: X-ray crystallography. The main part of the activity involves students pitching for funding for new equipment – how will they use the...

There are two parts to the DIY Dendrometer resources: 

Part A focusses on how trees grow and their role within both the carbon cycle and the water cycle. Learners are encouraged to take part in a citizen science project which involves creating and installing a DIY...

Activities in this resource aim to:

  • celebrate the achievement of completing the Human Genome project in 2003
  • show the relevance of genome sequencing today
  • explain the methods used for DNA sequencing, including the illumina method of rapid sequencing and the shotgun sequencing
  • ...

This book and accompanying teacher guide focus on the story of a young girl and her passion for saving water. The story follows the journey of an ordinary schoolgirl in the UK, who transforms into a water superhero when a DRY summer is followed by a DRY winter. The teacher guide provides eight linked activities...

Produced by ARKive this presentation introduces Charles Darwin as a naturalist. It tells the story of his life, describes how he was influenced and encouraged by the learning of his friends and contemporaries; and describes the voyage of the Beagle from 1831-36. The presentation illustrates Darwin's skills of...

In this activity from ARKive, students look for similarities between the basic body plans of different vertebrates as evidence of evolutionary change. This customisable presentation builds the scientific explanation of natural selection by illustrating four key observations:

  • All organisms produce more...

Produced by ARKive in this resource students observe images of different species of finches from the Galapagos Islands. The activity supports students in producing a simple key.

Please note that the website is no longer available, where links are listed for additional information within the...

This play follows a school child on a day of being healthy, though everything around her makes it easy to be unhealthy! Temptations include: sugary cereal aimed at children, fast food shops on the...

In this Science upd8 activity students take on the role of forensic science technicians who are acting as expert witnesses for the murder of Angel. Students analyse blood splatter patterns to check whether the murder weapon used was a hammer. They also watch a demonstration of a blood viscosity test to check...

In this Science upd8 activity students take on the role of forensic science technicians who are acting as expert witnesses for the murder of Angel. By analysing blood splatter patterns, they check whether the murder weapon used was a hammer. They also watch a demonstration of a blood viscosity test to check whether...


Create a den at school using this STEM challenge, which links to geography and D & T. Children learn about natural disasters and how they affect people in many ways, then are challenged to plan and construct a sturdy...

In this ARKive activity, students research and design their own conservation programme to learn about the importance of biodiversity as well as the economic benefits and services ecosystems provide. Using examples of successful conservation programmes within the UK Overseas Territories, students learn about the...
