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Julia is a dietitian for Addenbrookes Hospital, she discusses her role in this video. Curriculum links include malnutrition, food groups, healthy diet and nutrition.


Amy is an ecologist working with the Forestry Commission. Amy is very frank in the video about her school history, describing her school reports as "less than shiny", and the video conveys how applied scientific research focuses her naturally curious nature.

In the video Amy describes how she writes computer...

Deagan is an entomologist for the Forestry Commission and has travelled the world as part of his job. Curriculum links include classification, climate change, biodiversity, species, taxonomy, ecosystems, rainforests.


In this video, Matt describes how he became a fisheries technical officer for the Environment Agency. His job is to monitor river habitats and fish populations, including improving the habitat and restocking fish after any pollution incidents.

The video could be used to introduce units of work including...



Robert is a temperate horticultural curator at the Eden Project.  Curriculum links could include biodiversity, human impact on the environmental science, photosynthesis, limiting factors, plants, ecosystems, biomes, nutrient cycling, habitats, interdependence.
