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Air pollutants arise from natural processes and human activities. In this SATIS Revisited resource, students investigate air pollution, how it is monitored and some effects on human health. Air pollutants arise from a wide variety of sources, although they are mainly a result of the combustion process. It is easy...

This resource from the European Space Agency climate change resource pack provides background information on the role of Arctic sea ice upon the Earth’s climate system. All activities are set in the context of the Northwest Passage. Changes in the amount of sea ice can disrupt normal ocean circulation, leading to...

The materials provide teachers with examples of different enquiry types, e.g. classifying and identifying, developing systems, and pattern seeking.  The booklet provides an overview of the enquiries and the particular approaches used. Scientists use many different ways to collect evidence, but a survey undertaken...

This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). Building materials and construction methods provide an interesting context in which students can develop their understanding of basic ideas...

These resources were developed by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme in collaboration with Keele University in order to provide support for teaching aspects of ‘How Science Works’. The emphasis of the materials is on ‘data, evidence, theories and explanations’ linked to ‘applications and implications of...

Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), this resource looks at the testing of materials in the context of dentistry. Students first look at the properties of teeth and the nature of toothache before going on to test materials for a range of properties.

Experimental methods...

What is the perfect curve of a ball’s trajectory, what must the ideal turf be like, and...

Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), this activity engages students to consider the responsible use of chemicals and an analysis of the impact of a product through all the stages in its life. In this context, students attempt an analysis for different de-icers that might be used on...

These Fun-Size materials, from the Association for Science Education (ASE) are short 5-15 minute activities that enliven lessons. These are part of the SYCD AKA Science collection. They range from short games and word plays through to quick demonstrations. Fun-size is particularly useful when you are working...

This resource is based around the chemical composition of the human body and the origin of elements in the universe. Students can input a mass in the spreadsheet to see what proportion of their mass is from elements created in the Big Bang, in stars and in supernovae. Graphs are also shown for the relative...

From The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), this book looks at providing opportunities in science for students with specific learning needs. As well as advice and guidance, it includes details of a range of practical activities and investigations. The book illustrates: * potential barriers to...

This resource, from the European Space Agency, contains exercises in physics and chemistry based on real space data, designed for secondary schools. The exercises and data were developed and checked by ESA space scientists and engineers. They are most appropriate for students at Post 16 level. There are a total of...

Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these materials look at nuclear fission and nuclear reactors.

The activities examine the trend in reactivity of the metals in group II of the periodic table and includes a brief study of isotopes in relation to nuclear fission and nuclear...

NASA's Viking Mission to Mars was composed of two spacecraft, Viking 1 and Viking 2, each consisting of an orbiter and a lander. The primary mission objectives were to obtain high resolution images of the Martian surface, characterize the structure and composition of the atmosphere and surface, and search for...

In this practical investigation, students will perform a combustion reaction using a mixture of alcohol and air in a plastic water...
