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This KS2 resource looks at the importance of bees as pollinators and explores some of the threats they face. The activities are based around the work of ‘real world’ scientists in organisations such as Fera.

Activities include:

Pollination roleplay...

The Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (@BlackSeaMAP) was a three-year interdisciplinary expedition researching ancient coastlines and seafaring history of the Bulgarian Black Sea and included the discovery of the world’s oldest, intact shipwreck. It sought to...

This resource introduces the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (@BlackSeaMAP), a three-year...

This video and classroom task explores how the crew of the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (@BlackSeaMAP...

These experiments are designed to support teachers of upper primary level pupils to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and experimental approaches are particularly important for keeping pupils interested and engaged in science, and for equipping them...

This resource provides careers profiles for two young people working in the space industry: Jonathan Scott - Team Lead for the Medical Project and Technology Team in the Space Medicine Office at The European Space Agency’s European Astronaut Centre Jennifer S. - Biomedical Engineer Flight Controller for the...

These career cards have been designed to be used alongside a presentation with 9 to 11 year olds to raise their awareness of the range of STEM careers open to them, career opportunities available in industry and the advantages of studying STEM subjects when they are older. The resource includes instructions for...

Showcased in this booklet are a broad range of careers in which individuals make a difference in tackling climate change, from roles in research and government, to law, farming or psychology. Key considerations for developing students’ career paths for climate related roles are set out on the back page, with...

From The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), this information booklet is useful for those wishing to develop successful partnerships between schools and local science-based industries. It is a collection of papers that describe how different groups have encountered and handled major issues and...

Charles is investigating whether there is life on other planets.  He studies life in extreme environments, such as in volcanoes or on the International Space Station.  He studied biochemistry at university and went on to study astrobiology and the possibility of life on other planets. 

There are two cuts of...

This collection of resources from the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) are designed for use by STEM Ambassadors and/or teachers to ...

Chris is based at Boulby Underground Laboratory.  The laboratory is in Boulby Mine – the deepest mine in the UK.  The lab is in a salt layer over 1km deep underground, which means that it is in a very low radiation environment.  This location is ideal for performing experiments on dark matter and in astrobiology. ...


A collection of primary and secondary resources on various topics linked to climate change. This collection supports STEM Learning’s Climate Change Education Partnership which brings together partners from education, research and the wider STEM sector to support climate change related lessons and activities in...

This edition of the Computing a School (CAS) newsletter includes articles covering:

*Pedagogy of computational thinking and programming

*Modelling and simulation with StarLogoTNG

*Scratch and RoboMind

*Text-based programming with Small Basic

*Route finding with graphs at A-Level...
