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This STEMNET activity case study describes the many activities that STEM Ambassador Caron Malone has been involved with. These include designing and making 'intelligent clothing' with primary school children, a Smart Energy workshop and careers day talks. Caron is particularly keen to involve more girls in STEM...

With just a few materials, building a paper model of the International Space Station (ISS) can become a class project. This publication contains a brief overview of the ISS, its parts, the science that occurs on board, instructions, and extension fact sheets. Learn about the ISS, explore fun facts, simulate...

In this activity, learners will compare journey times for different modes of transport and will calculate the time to travel specified distances. It allows learners to apply their maths skills in a practical application.

Materials include an introductory presentation, activity sheet and handout.


This cross curricular activity includes science content from Year Four of the primary curriculum. It introduces programming and control, linked to the outside world through sensors - in this case, the computer's built-in microphone or a peripheral microphone. Programs are written using Scratch (online or offline)...

This resource provided by Siemens, aimed at primary learners, looks at how science, technology and engineering has shaped the way we live. It is divided into four activities which link to aspects of the technology, science and mathematics curriculum.

  • The power of steam - The first part...

In this classroom activity pupils design and build a tentacle-like robotic arm that captures debris, represented by Lego pieces. Pupils then compare different sticky surfaces that will help to trap the debris and are given the opportunity to improve their designs based upon what they have learned.


This Royal Academy of Engineering resource teaches students coding through a series of physical computing and practical activities that explore the essential role engineers have in supporting the emergency services and search and rescue missions.

Combining plugged activities, using a Crumble Controller, and...

One of the trial units from the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology. Children design and make a framed clay mosaic which can be displayed at school before being taken home to be displayed there.

The purpose of this activity is to learn the skills necessary to design and make a mosaic from...

One of the trial units from the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology. In this unit, children design a supermarket car park to a detailed design specification. This task could be linked with a geography local study, as it will highlight the varying needs of the people using a car park.


Part of the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology series, this resource asks children to design and make a toy or game for a bed-ridden patient of approximately nine years of age.

Many pupils will have experienced the tedium of being confined to bed when recovering from a minor illness and are...


Although no humans have been to Mars, we have sent lots of spacecraft and rovers to explore this distant world.  In this resource, students will design their own rover and answer the question “Which would be better to explore Mars, humans or robots?”

The accompanying video clip focuses on human missions to...

Teams of school students identify an everyday problem that directly impacts society. They come up with a new and innovative scientific solution to tackle this problem and present their findings in a 5 minute video.

  • ...

One of the units from the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology. Children design and make a healthy cold drink for another class member.

Each child will have to find out the preferences and needs of the consumer and will include feedback from that person as part of the evaluation process


One of the units from the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology. Children design and make a carrier that meets the needs of a person who has to carry particular items.

The aim is to develop a carrier...
