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The focus of this activity is on the principle of hydrodynamics through testing boat hull designs in a test tank.

This activity gives students the opportunity to explore and develop their critical thinking and decision making skills through a practical approach....

In this activity, from the Institution of Engineering and technology (IET), students investigate a use of electronic systems to improve health care.

They study a case where a Body Centric Antenna (BCA) increases the...

This resource, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), allows students to investigate the wide range of sophisticated imaging technology available in modern hospitals, and to explore the latest ideas in search-and-rescue robotics.


In this resource students will carry out experiments with prisms, polarising film and 3D cinema glasses to explain some of the interesting properties of light and their applications.

Curriculum links include refractive index, total internal reflection, polarisation

This activity investigates the potential of hydrogen fuel cells as a means of energy generation and storage. Students make hydrogen gas by electrolysis, supported by practical instruction sheet. Combined with the Burning Fuels 2 resource, students can explore the...

These resources explores how engineers have used their knowledge of waves to improve lives.  The activities include:

  • Using the reflection of light to create a floating image
  • Investigating the best material for thermal resistance (insulation) in a survival suit

Curriculum links...

This challenge asks teams of students to plan a major sporting event in their local area. The resource provides an opportunity for students to explore their ideas in a creative environment. Teams can define their own goals and priorities, but may want to focus on three main areas of planning an event:


In this activity, from the Institution of Engineering and technology, students work in groups to investigate how Piezoelectric materials can be used in a variety of different ways. For the development element of the project, students propose an innovative application...

This resource looks at how engineers collect natural gas from the seabed below the North Sea and transport it back to shore. Children are asked to investigate the best shape for the pipelines by creating a model pipeline and making observations on how they work.

Together with related activities from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), this resource allows students to investigate the wide range of sophisticated imaging technology available in modern hospitals, and to explore the latest ideas in search-and-rescue...

This Practical Action resource presents a fun hands-on and brains-on challenge for Key Stages Two to Five.

The problem:...

This activity challenges students to work in small teams to design a water supply system for a small town of 5,000 inhabitants. They have to work within a budget, including giving themselves a profit margin.


Tunnelworks is a series of teaching and learning resources linking mathematics and science to the Thames Tideway Tunnel project, a major new sewer that will help protect the River Thames from increasing pollution. Background to the project is given in the ...

Rockets are used to launch satellites, probes and even astronauts into space. A rocket launch is extremely impressive. Thousands of kilograms are burned in just a few minutes in order to provide the force that the rocket needs in order to overcome the gravity of the Earth. Rockets provide an exciting context to...

This resource, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), allows students to investigate the wide range of sophisticated imaging technology available in modern hospitals, and to explore the latest ideas in search-and-rescue robotics.

