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From Teachers TV Lesson Planning Pack series, this video shows an example of how a lesson can introduce children to the idea of light travelling in a straight line. Rachel Dixon, a Year Six teacher at Ripple Primary School in Barking, presents her lesson on light. She aims to get her children to understand that...

This resource from the Nuffield Foundation provides the opportunity for students to fit functions to linear and quadratic graphs. It is assumed that students will already have some knowledge of linear and quadratic functions and their graphs, which are used to compare models and comment on their suitability. A...

This lesson gives students a 3D printing challenge to model and print a small food clip, using the technical drawings provided.

In this activity students design and model a 3D robot arm. Robot arms are an example of a programmable system. They are used in a wide variety of industrial applications, ranging from loading machines to assembling cars, welding parts together and spray painting products. They are also used in applications such as...

This resource is part of a collection of Nuffield Maths resources that explore Algebra and Maths. The demand is roughly equivalent to that in Higher Level GCSE and Level 2 Functional Mathematics.

The resource asks students fit functions to graphs (linear and quadratic). They compare models and comment on...

This Mathematics Matters case study looks at how mathematicians work with epidemiologists to understand the spread of infections and mitigate their effects. Epidemics can threaten the lives of both humans and animals, so it is essential that we react swiftly to any outbreaks. Mathematicians play a key role in...

Students will review their analysis studies and pick one product and one disability which they model a solution for and test to see if the problem has been resolved. A detailed evaluation will follow using the provided question prompts reflecting ACCESS FMM. This resource works well when delivered with ...

This lesson develops the concept of modelling linear and exponential growth. In particular students will enhance their understanding of:

  • Translating between descriptive, algebraic, tabular, and graphical representation of the functions.
  • Recognizing how and why a quantity changes per unit...

This is a problem solving lesson, designed to help you assess how well students are able to:

  • Interpret a situation and represent the variables mathematically.
  • Select appropriate mathematical methods.
  • Interpret and evaluate the data generated.

The problem is set in the...

This resource requires problem solving using skills in both applying geometrical concepts and modelling a situation using functions.

Students investigate rolling cups of different shapes and dimensions. They use ideas of similarity to link together the wider diameter with narrow diameter, slant length, and...

This is a problem solving lesson, designed to help you assess how well students are able to:

This lesson unit is intended to help you assess how well students are able to:

  • Interpret a situation and represent the constraints and variables mathematically
  • Select appropriate mathematical...

This resource investigates modelling and constructing pulley systems designed to lift loads.

Suggested learning outcomes include:

  • To be able to recognise and describe the main parts of a pulley system.
  • To understand how a pulley system can reduce the effort needed to lift a load.
  • ...

Suitable for upper-primary teachers of computing, this Barefoot Computing activity focuses on the technical aspects of the internet explaining how it differs from the World Wide Web (WWW). Children gain an understanding of the hardware that makes up computer networks and how IP addresses allow communication between...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity shows that it is not possible to be certain what the market will do next. The mathematical ideas covered are:
• Time series
• Percentage change
• Random walks
• Geometric...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity shows that derivatives can help to manage risk. The market in derivatives has grown enormously in recent years. On average, speculators break even. The mathematical ideas covered are:
