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In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, mathematical ideas on radioactive decay are developed using logarithmic and exponential equations.

The activities look at:
* the exponential decay equation
* students questions using the decay equation
* radioactive decay used as a...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, discussions and demonstrations encourage students to apply their knowledge of charged particles and fields to understand particle accelerators and detectors.

The activities in this learning episode look at:
* acceleration in an electric field
* researching...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students look in detail at Rutherford’s experiment through discussion, demonstration and student experiment. The activities include: * discussing the significance of Rutherford’s experiment * demonstrating collisions and momentum * Rutherford scattering and...

Starting from Rutherford's electron scattering experiment, these activities from the Institute of Physics, encourage students to consider experimental evidence for the size of the nucleus. Students look at alpha particle scattering and distance of closest approach. The learning episode examines:
* worked...

This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, looks at the pattern of nuclide stability using a spreadsheet to produce an N-Z plot. Students then consider the need for an additional, attractive force to hold the nucleus together.

The activities in this learning episode look at:
* which stable...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode contains worked examples and ideas for discussion that allow students to examine binding energy and perform data analysis to calculate the binding energy for a number of nuclides.

The activities include:
* discussion to introduce mass defect...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode helps students to move beyond the idea that nuclear changes are represented solely by alpha, beta and gamma decay. Students learn that other events occur when a nucleus absorbs a particle and becomes unstable.

The activities in this learning...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students look at the different features of the core of a nuclear reactor. They consider the critical mass, chain reactions and explain the core's operation using knowledge of nuclear physics.

The activities in this learning episode examine:

Through discussion and a worked example, these activities from the Institute of Physics, help students to look at neutron diffraction. Students calculate the de Broglie wavelength of a neutron and see the sources and uses of neutrons.

In a worked example, using the de Broglie equation, students consider the...

Protons, neutrons and electrons are familiar particles of matter. However, students are also likely to have heard of other particles. This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, introduces some of the other sub-atomic particles.

The activities in this episode include:
* establishing students...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students consider both hadrons and leptons in particle reactions. They must take account of both conservation of lepton number and conservation of baryon number.

The activities include:
* applying conservation rules
* considering the...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode considers exchange particles and different types of interactions. Feynman diagrams are used, although these may not be required by all specifications.

The activities in this learning episode examine:
* exchange particles
* interactions...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students follow work on Rutherford scattering to look at diffraction graphs and calculate nuclear diameters.

The activities include:
* student experiment using an optical analogue to show diffraction around spherical objects
* diffraction...

From the Institute of Physics, this learning episode encourages students to investigate the quark model, which creates relative order out of the chaos of particle classification.

Quarks have three ‘colour’ charges, and the rule for stability is that combinations must be colourless.

The activities...

This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, establishes the ideal gas law and how to use it. Worked examples and questions allow students to look at the behaviour of an ideal gas and see that an ideal gas is one that obeys Boyle’s law with complete precision.

The activities include:
* a...
