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Colourful poster from the ...

These resources allow students to explore natural selection using different coloured baits (spaghetti ‘worms’) that are selected and eaten by birds. Uneaten ‘worms’ are counted after predation and the ‘worm’ population is replenished in proportion to those colours which remain. After several cycles of predation and...

These posters from the National Physical Laboratory are ideal for the key stage three classroom.

  • The accuracy and precision poster explains the difference between the two concepts. These ideas are equally applicable for key stages four and five.
  • The sound poster explains the terminology of...

A level descriptor for use with Key Stage Three computing students, appropriate for the new curriculum in September 2014. The resource comprises a set of level descriptors detailed in five strands: systems, development, programming, modelling and analysis. The descriptors are based on the Computing At School...

There are four posters in this resource covering the following areas of the biology curriculum:

  • Biodiversity: gives an overview of what biodiversity is, how it is measured and the threats to biodiversity
  • Classification: describes the main features of classification and the binomial system of...

From the Institute of Physics (IOP) and the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), these posters illustrate the uses of physics in medicine. The posters cover a range of topics, including:...

Produced by More Maths Grads, these bright posters are intended for use in schools to illustrate the range of opportunities that mathematics can open. These include the aerospace industry, architecture, navigation technologies, biological sciences, music and sport.

These resources are from the Institute of Physics and consist of a range of posters that illustrate physics-related careers. The posters cover a wide range of careers and include:

Physicists Predict, Protect, Inspire and Save: Nicola Lang - geophysicist, Emma Sowter - medical physicist,  ...

This resource contains a series of lessons which are designed to extend students’ knowledge and understanding of plastics and plastic waste on a global scale. Linking to materials and their properties, the environment, recycling and design and technology, they contain investigations and activities aimed at both...

This cheat sheet provides guidance to inexperienced Python programmers. It covers several of the most-used functions, operations and data types including:

• User interaction
• Boolean logic
• String handling and manipulation
• Assigning and using variables
• Loops
• Using simple...

This poster is designed as a quick recall resource for students learning to code using the computer programming language Python. The topics covered are the definitions of variables and constants, Boolean operators, conditional statements, comparison operators, ‘for’ loops, ‘while’ loops, strings and arithmetic...

From Practical Action, these posters show examples of how renewable energy sources are used in developing nations. They show how mp3 players can be powered by solar photoelectric cells, small-scale hydroelectric in Kenya, a wind turbine and biogas digested in Nepal.

This colourful A2 poster illustrates how studying STEM subjects can lead to four very different careers in the international development sector. Why not print out the case studies that accompany this poster and display them with it for an informative,...

Find out how engineers who work in disaster response save lives on a massive scale. This Tomorrow’s Engineers poster and accompanying teacher booklet, activities and a lesson plan will help students to understand the scale and impact of disaster response engineering.

Many types of engineering are employed in...

