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This Cape Farewell video clip shows scientists back at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, analysing the samples of phytoplankton and zooplankton taken in the Arctic, identifying species and counting their abundance.

Activity G - Plankton analysis is...

This lesson links aspects of states of matter to the use of bubbles to deliver drugs to cancerous tissue, and is appropriate to students aged 12- 14. Most children will be familiar with soapy bubbles consisting of gas surrounded by a film of moisture. This lesson looks at the formation of bubbles that contain...


In this resource, students use their STEM skills to help them design and build a model of a flood- proof house. Activities to help them with their design include testing materials (for strength and absorbency) and structures. Set on a fictitious island coping with the devastating effects of flooding caused by...

This short video and accompanying booklet introduce pupils to biofilms formed by bacteria. 

The video starts by introducing an everyday example of a biofilm on our teeth and then links this to bioflims in rivers. It explains how important these biofilms are in the context of food chains and makes for an...

This resource looks at how biomimicry enables engineers to take ideas from the natural world to develop new products and designs. The specific example of gecko tape is used to illustrate this. Students play a game of pairs where they need to match technology with the animal or plant which inspired its development....

The focus of this activity is on the principle of hydrodynamics through testing boat hull designs in a test tank.

This activity gives students the opportunity to explore and develop their critical thinking and decision making skills through a practical approach....


Produced for Future Morph, these resources include a video and a classroom activity. In the video, two First Diploma in Horticulture students show how they repot plants and describe the display they helped to produce for the Devon County show. A classroom activity encourages students to clone a plant by taking...

Born in London to parents who emigrated from Ghana, Charlotte Armah's scientific work may have very obvious benefits for us all. She leads experiments involving human volunteers to learn whether eating particular foods, especially broccoli, can protect us from diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer....


In this project, students create an animated character and map it to a standard set of animation moves. Using the tools in Autodesk Project Pinocchio and Autodesk Maya, students can create a character that copies a standard sequence available in Autodesk Maya.

Students then move onto cloud technology and...

This project concentrates on the design and manufacture of a mobile phone accessory using a range of sketching and software, alongside laser cutting and 3D printing processes. Students apply the tools in 123D Design to model the accessory, before manufacturing the product. Students consider the designing and...

This scheme of work is intended as an introduction to Autodesk Inventor. It is aimed at students aged 11-14, but is also suitable for students working up to and including post 16 dependent on experience.

The “Scooter” project teaches a range of fundamental Autodesk Inventor skills through a range of project...
