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This resource requires students to be able to use a calculator efficiently and accurately and to be able to round their answer to two decimal places or to know how to set up their calculator to give answers to two decimal places. The cards file contains nine pages of bingo answer cards with four cards on each page...

The workbook contains a number of simulations designed to aid students understanding of the Binomial distribution.

Binomial distribution: simulated tossing a coin ten times. The probability of achieving 0,1,2… heads is calculated and displayed in a frequency table and a bar chart. The...

Most binomial questions define the binomial distribution and ask students to calculate the most likely value for x. In this activity, students are asked to explore whether the value for p can be found given the value for n and the most likely value for x. Subsequent pages of the presentation provide the solution to...

In this activity, students apply their knowledge of the binomial distribution to establish whether each of three rules, regarding the most likely outcome and the expected value, are true. The presentation contains a link to an applet which allows experimentation, and shows the binomial probabilities for various n...

This activity begins with the definition of the mean and the variance of a binomial distribution. Students are then challenged to take each definition and prove that they work for the binomial distribution B(3,p). The first task is for students to construct the probability distribution then calculate the mean and...

This Biochemical Society careers resource is aimed at students and provides an overview of the impact of biochemistry on other areas of science, a description of what biochemistry is and an illustration of the range of organisations which employ biochemists.

There is also a description of the types of...

A resource which covers core theory for GCSE Design and Technology: understanding what biodegradable plastics are and their purpose for reducing plastic waste....

Aimed at primary level, this pack contains a range of different activities based on the theme of Earth. The activities cover a mixture of topics including: identifying plants and animals, habitats and food webs. Designed for use in class or as part of a science week or club, they promote investigative work and...

Sovon, a Dutch bird protection organisation, counts birds. The number of greylag geese is increasing. Students are asked to investigate whether this increase is worrying for the diversity of water bird species? Students explore what the concept biodiversity means, how it can be described mathematically and what are...

This colourful leaflet from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) looks at what biodiversity is and why it matters. It also explains how human activities threaten the natural environment, endangering species and habitats and what we are doing about the problem. The resource includes a list of research...

This booklet contains a range of suggested teaching activities and contexts for teaching about biodiversity at A level.  Topics covered include: sampling, species, Simpson's, diversity, conservation, population, and ecology.

Although produced to support the teaching of OCR AS and A Level Biology A...

In this topic, from the Association for Science Education (ASE), students explore the importance of biodiversity to humankind. The topic is designed to allow classes in schools across the world to exchange information about the factors affecting biodiversity today.

Students focus in particular on the...

In this ARKive activity, students work in medical teams and balance competing priorities for the conservation of an endangered species and devise a ‘treatment’ plan. Students learn the importance of biodiversity and species conservation, the fine balance of the ecosystem and how to measure competing priorities....
