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From Genetic Disorders UK, these resources explore Huntington’s disease and the implications of predictive testing through the eyes of seventeen year old Luke. The film and activities in this collection are linked to the following curriculum areas: * Human health is affected by a range of environmental and...


Produced by the Royal Astronomical Society, this information booklet looks at how our knowledge of the Moon has been built up through observation, unmanned exploration and the lunar landings of the Apollo missions. Sections include: * Experiments on the Moon * Moon rocks * Structures on the lunar surface * Beneath...

This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at Lunar exploration. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in mathematics and physical science from age 11 to 19 years.

The problems were created to be authentic glimpses of...

Humans have landed on the Moon. These images, from NASA, show some of the Lunar rovers that have been involved in manned Lunar explorations and some that may be developed for future missions to the Moon.

In this lesson, students will consider the differences in gravity between the Earth and the Moon and the meaning of mass, weight and gravity. They will then use stills from footage of the Apollo 17 Lunar lift off to calculate the speed during the initial ascent.

Curriculum links:

  • Reading and...

Medical professionals use lung function test to diagnose and monitor lung diseases. In these activities, students investigate how these tests are carried out and determine some of the factors which might affect the results. They will work with a partner to use a peak flow meter and a spirometer.

Produced by the Wellcome Trust, this animation shows the complete life cycle of tiny parasitic worms as they move between human and mosquito hosts.

Lymphatic filariasis is a disabling disease found in low-income areas...

Explore the structure of lysozyme, and understand why protein folding is so important.

This art activity explores a brief history of the artist M C Escher and gives pupils the opportunity to create their own flying themed tessellating template. They will then be able to use the templates they create to produce a tessellating pattern. This resource is part of a series of resources produced by Rolls...

The Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS) is a collaboration between the University of California at Berkeley and the Shell Centre team at the University of Nottingham, with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The team is known around the world for its innovative work in maths education....

This collection features 16 resources on the topic of equations.

This collection features eight resources on the topic of expressions.

The resources feature:

  • Concept development lessons that focus on developing conceptual understanding of significant mathematical ideas.
  • Problem solving lessons that focus on the...
