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These eighteen assignments and a teachers' guide, from the Association for Science Education (ASE) aim to encourage non-scientists to embrace a little science. The aim is to increase student's skills whilst quashing a few "science is boring" stereotypes. All assignments have been written to cover a variety of non-...

This activity, from the Association for Science Education (ASE) has been developed specifically to deliver science and history teaching through the context of space travel.

Cross-curricular activities strengthen links with other departments in a school, and help students to integrate their scientific...

Students often seem uncomfortable when confronted with a science teacher talking about mathematics in a science lesson or a design and technology teacher talking about science in a design and technology lesson.


This mapping from CIMT gives the Key Objectives from the Secondary Framework (2001) for each year group and the respective units in the MEP scheme.

This document looks at a variety of lessons devised by teachers in fourteen Leicester city schools, who took part in a project developing creative and cross-curricular links to practical science.

Supported by European Commission funding, the project supported European schools to raise standards in...

Produced by the Learning Skills Improvement Service, these materials help to demonstrate effective practice. This case study looks at the themes of equality and diversity and progression through STEM.

City College Norwich set out to create a ‘challenge day’ that would involve learners in a range of hands-on...

This task is designed to assess how well students understand addition, working methodically, and giving a proof.

A cross is given that uses two squares on each arm around a central square to give nine squares in total. The numbers from 1 to 9 must be placed in the squares so that the vertical and horizontal...

The equations of two intersecting lines are given. The challenge is to use Pythagoras’ theorem to show that the triangle formed by the lines and the y-axis is a right-angle. The point of intersection is determined by solving simultaneous equations.

Each example is derived from a pair of perpendicular lines....

This resource provides instructions for building a card buggy and creating a sample programme for your crumble board. You will need motors, a battery pack and connectors to complete the project.

The Crumble “Getting Started” guide includes an overview of the Crumble software and a step-by-step guide to writing your first program. It also covers:

  • Sparkle control
  • Motor control
  • Using inputs (digital and analogue)
  • Using variables and maths in your programs

A series of symbols is presented in four additions. The challenge is to work out the number that each symbol represents. Solving the problem involves the use of logical thinking using base 10. The resource is suitable for Key Stage 3.

  • ...

Quantum computers will revolutionise secure communications, and will make some current encryption methods obsolete. This activity, takes in cutting-edge research at the UK Quantum Technology hubs...

This set of activities introduces children to cryptography techniques, showing how the use of computers can make encryption quicker and more effective. Some notable examples of the use of encryption in history are mentioned, leading to the use of calculation machines for code-making and code-breaking.


This activity from Cre8ate maths explores the rotational symmetry of carefully chosen crystals. Initially students work with plain and coloured nets of cubes may use trial and improvement methods to find different possible rotations of symmetry, before exploring ways to be systematic in their investigation. For...
