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The spacecraft that have orbited around Mars and landed on its surface have shown us (via images and data) that there is no liquid water on the surface of Mars. However, these satellite images have also revealed to us features that appear to have been created or carved out by flowing water. In fact, scientists feel...

Scientists must design and evaluate many ways of extracting water from the lunar permafrost before planning lunar colonies and manned missions using the moon as a base.

In this activity students will construct a solar water collector. Using the collector, students will collect and calculate the amount of...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), provides an opportunity to assess students understanding of remote surgery.

It is intended that students will:
• Understand what remote...

These evidence-based, question and answer style classroom resources can be used to engage students of all ages...

These evidence-based, question and answer style classroom resources can be used to engage students in the climate...

The work that engineers do affects billions of people. It is creative and hands-on. It is about solving problems, designing things and improving things. As an engineer, you could tackle some of the world’s most pressing problems - from dealing with cyber security and maintaining clean water and energy supplies to...

Produced by Rolls-Royce, this series of case studies illustrates the wide range of career opportunities that are opened up for students with skills in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. They can be used to give careers advice and guidance to students as well as to illustrate the curriculum principles...

This resource, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), allows students to investigate the wide range of sophisticated imaging technology available in modern hospitals, and to explore the latest ideas in search-and-rescue robotics.


In this practical activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), students investigate aspects of signal processing. Working in teams, students convert an analogue brain signal into a digital format and transmit it across the classroom to another...

In this activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), students carry out some data analysis to find the best material from which to make a prosthetic foot. They plot graphs of stress against strain and calculate the modulus of elasticity for a...

Man-made satellites are put in specific orbits around our Earth and other planets to do certain jobs e.g. to send digital communications or to monitor the weather. These orbits can be distinguished by height above the planet and the orbital period. The orbits of natural satellites are much more varied and these...

This issue of Space:UK, published by the UK Space Agency, focuses on the new Hubble space telescope, big plans for small satellites and the development of the UK spaceplane. The issue includes news stories about current events, research and developments as well as conference news.

There are also special...
