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At Bishop Challoner Catholic College in Birmingham, a STEM project entitled “Rockets in Motion” took place during the autumn term of the 2010-2011 academic year. The project ran through a series of after-school sessions led jointly by the science, technology and...

This activity from the Nuffield Foundation shows students how to use a recurrence relation to work out how long it takes to pay off a credit card loan and how much it costs. They can use a graphic calculator or spreadsheet to do the working. After working through the given example, where a customer spends £1250 and...

This resource explains the check digit algorithm invented by Hans Luhn. This algorithm is widely used for both credit and debit cards to check small errors in the input of card numbers, using the final digit on the card as a check. 

The instructions clearly show how to apply the algorithm, and invites...

Students often seem uncomfortable when confronted with a science teacher talking about mathematics in a science lesson or a design and technology teacher talking about science in a design and technology lesson.


Five RISP starters revise ideas of polynomials and curve-sketching, cover expanding brackets, solving equations graphically, and knowing how to sketch the graphs of curves.


This resource, from the Royal Institution, provides students with the opportunity to explore the formation of a parabola through a paper folding activity. Students follow a set of simple instructions which describe how to fold a piece of A4 paper and are asked to describe what shape is produced. The activity is...

Histogram reconstruction is an activity designed to enable students to gain a deeper understanding of frequency density and how it is used in the construction of a histogram.

Students cut out bars from a rectangle with which students construct three histograms using the clues given in three partially...

This Core Maths resource looks at the recently developed technique of rehydroxylation for dating ceramic objects using an exponential growth model. The resource allows students the opportunity to apply their knowledge of growth and decay, along with logarithms, to a genuine scientific process.


The premise of this activity is that the school is sending a rover to Mars. Its mission is to search for evidence that life has ever existed there. It is the job of the class to decide where the rover should land on Mars. They will do this by working in groups and investigating six potential landing sites and...

Standards Unit: Improving Learning in Mathematics activities to support the learning of decision and mechanics. The 'Active Learning' session plans including starting points, processes and photocopiable resources.


* Moving from Eulerian graphs to the route inspection (Chinese postman)...

This resource, provided by Anne Watson, Els De Geest and Stephanie Prestage, describes how a group of ten teachers taught low attaining groups in secondary school, and what features were seen to be important. The teachers had a shared commitment to improving the attainment of their lowest attaining students by...

Many 'early-adopter' centres around the country were able to achieve the delivery of Core Maths ‘at scale’ quite early on. Delivering the course at scale means that fifty percent or more of the eligible cohort of students (all those who have a GCSE Grade C or above) are studying Core Maths in the year group. 


The Nuffield Foundation provides this activity which can be used to review students' knowledge of the derivatives of quadratic and cubic functions and their graphs. The slideshow provides an introduction by considering a quadratic example and a cubic example.


This Core Maths activity covers the key points to consider when designing an effective questionnaire.

It is suitable for a whole-class introduction to the topic, providing ample opportunities for group discussion. The practical task enables students to design their own...

This Core Maths activity investigates diamond smuggling.

The presentation gives details of how diamonds were smuggled out of Namibia in cans of pilchards. Students need to use the information given to calculate an estimate of the value of the smuggled diamonds. They need to use estimation and the formula for...
