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This resource provides Key Stage Three National Strategy training materials to run a day session with science teachers to help them develop an understanding of the key elements of Assessment for Learning and how it might affect their practice.


The search for life on other worlds is one of the most fascinating contexts that science lessons can have. In this guide, several of the resources focus on practical experiments or investigations that link astrobiology to the science curriculum. In all cases, regular scientific concepts such as factors affecting...

This booklet contains a range of suggested teaching activities and contexts for atom economy and percentage yield at A level. 

Although produced to support the teaching of OCR AS/A Level Chemistry A specifications (H157H557) the resource is useful for teaching these topics in any...

This booklet contains a range of suggested activities and contexts for teaching about atomic structure, periodicity and inorganic chemistry at A level. Curriculum links include atomic structure, ionisation energy, ...

This booklet contains a range of suggested teaching activities and contexts for atomic structure and equations at A level. Curriculum links include atomic structure, relative masses, electron structure, formulae and equations, periodicity, isotopes, electron structure, mass spectrometry, electron configuration,...

A multiple choice quiz on atoms and reactions for A/AS level chemistry

Although it is written for OCR AS/A level ...

Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), this investigation looks at the autolysis, or cell death, of yeast. This is important, as many food production processes require the living yeast to be killed.


The BBC micro:bit is a great tool for carrying out surveys that involve quickly counting and recording one or two variables. Using the button inputs provides a simple interface to the device allowing, for instance, quick tallying of the numbers of two different types of bee around a plant. Other examples might...

Birmingham Institute for Forest Research (BIFoR) has provided a free online learning platform for schools which includes curriculum linked activities, developed to support secondary school students. These activities provide the opportunity for students to join a growing community of citizen scientists who are...

This film tells the story of how DNA sequencing was used to identify the gene BRAF. Clinical researcher Ultan McDermott tells the story of how scientists at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute discovered a specific mutation in the BRAF gene, which is found in around half of malignant melanoma cases. He...

This resource presents four Fermi problems, or back-of-the-envelope calculations, based on a video about an underwater volcano disaster.  Students are expected to develop experience of using quantitative reasoning techniques and gain an...

Introduction to SAMHE

This short video introduces the SAMHE project and teachers share how they are using SAMHE and the benefits for their students, themselves and their schools. 


This resource from Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is a practical, classroom activity that allows the students to make a balloon model of a disease-causing bacterium. This illustrates its basic shape and structure. Students can choose from three bacteria species...

This manual, from the Microbiology Society, provides a basic introduction to microbiology, aseptic technique and safety.

Part 1 of the book includes information on good microbiological laboratory practice, equipment, preparation of culture media, sterilisation and disinfection, inoculation, aseptic technique...

A multiple choice quiz on basic chemical concepts and hydrocarbons for A/AS level chemistry.

Although it is written for...
