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This lesson links aspects of states of matter to the use of bubbles to deliver drugs to cancerous tissue, and is appropriate to students aged 12- 14. Most children will be familiar with soapy bubbles consisting of gas surrounded by a film of moisture. This lesson looks at the formation of bubbles that contain...

Many different personal attributes can impact on road safety including a person's vision, ability to concentrate, reaction times and mobility. The car of the future should be designed to help people overcome these issues.


The development of running blades has greatly enhanced the running ability of amputees and people born without legs.  In this activity students learn more about how the inventor of running blades applied the scientific concept of potential elastic energy and biomimicry to design a high performance prosthetic leg....

In activity, students produce an Engineering ‘specification’ based on application of their science and mathematics knowledge and understanding. This will be put into the context of risks to London from flooding and the need for improved flood defences due to increased risk of higher floods due to rising sea levels...

This resource explores how 'Euler's characteristic' has had an impact on many aspects of real-life, from computing to the shape of a football. The has been created by the Royal Academy of Engineering in partnership with Tomorrow's Engineers as a STEM club or STEM Ambassador activity, but can also be adapted by...

In this predict-observe-explain activity, students explore different ways of extinguishing a flame with some surprising results. The lesson is introduced with the video of engineer Yusuf Muhammad. Yusuf is developing a revolutionary new household fire-safety device, incorporating the techniques of professional...


In this activity, students are asked to analyse data to work out which form of personal transport is currently the least safe. They then consider what safety features are in use at the moment.

Students brainstorm and...

This resource shows how you can successfully lift a person off the ground using two cordless leaf blowers, problem-solving skills and some STEM knowledge: the same knowledge and skills that are used to design hovercraft.

Curriculum links include:

forces ...

These resources explores how engineers have used their knowledge of waves to improve lives.  The activities include:

  • Using the reflection of light to create a floating image
  • Investigating the best material for thermal resistance (insulation) in a survival suit

Curriculum links...

This set of activities is designed for a STEM Ambassador to use when introducing their work in the highways and transport industry to pupils aged 5 to 7. They can also be used by teachers to introduce transportation related activities and careers.


These resources are designed to inspire students, regardless of their background, and show that engineering and technology are positively beneficial to their present and future lives.

Engineering Engagement Project...

This activity sheet for students will enable them to demonstrate the idea of reinforced materials and conclude which is the best to choose for a specific task, in this case constructing buildings resistant to earthquakes and high winds. The work of a structural engineer is also profiled.

This activity sheet describes a group activity designing and manufacturing smart packaging which uses thermochromatic pigments to show that the food product is at the correct temperature. The sheet also contains a profile of a mechanical development engineer.

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This resource aims at raising students' awareness of what engineers do and how the profession contributes to the world. The key activity for students is to define and discuss engineering as a career. There are also two case studies to use.
