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This Barefoot Computing resource builds on the ‘Maths quiz with selection’ learning activities which should be undertaken first.

It involves improving an existing Scratch maths quiz and adding score-keeping using...


Produced by the Health Protection Agency, this e-bug resource contains teacher guidance, stimulus materials and student activity suggestions. It looks at the topic of disease prevention through vaccinations.

In the main activity students take part in a simulation to see how vaccines are used to prevent the...

This activity allows students to investigate how images are produced from data streams by using first a spreadsheet and then an image-processing program. They then go on to see how the usefulness of such a monochromatic image may be enhanced by using lookup tables and calibration. The materials used focus on the...

This resource contains the fourth session of the Active Approaches to Level Three Applied Science, produced by the Science Learning Centres and the Nuffield Foundation. The session looks at developing assignments, their learning objectives and structure and warns against malpractice and plagiarism. It also...

This four-lesson sequence teaches students to create multimedia for a given purpose. Using digital cameras and special desktop publishing software, students create a comic-book representation of the life of William Shakespeare. They are required to plan and execute the project from the beginning and to evaluate...

In this activity from ARKive, students use a key to identify several species of shark and ray. Extension questions use video of shark movement available on the ARKive website as a context to discuss adaptation.


This resource features a task that involves finding an nth term rule for a quadratic sequence.

Students investigate a sequence of pavement patterns. The patterns are constructed with blocks arranged in a square at the centre, blocks arranged in smaller squares at each corner, and then a different colour of...

The activity allows the students to explore social, ethical, economic and health issues relating to the use of Nintendo Wii compared to doing real sports and present their findings in a persuasive, coherent and focused argument. Students identify arguments for and...

The Pacific island nation of Kiribati recently announced its purchase of land in mountainous Fiji for its population to move to when sea level rises make life on its own low-lying islands impossible. In this activity students use data to predict sea level rises, including uncertainties, and decide whether humans...

Produced by ARKive, this series of activities is designed to teach children about measurement and the different sizes of animal and plant species. Children compare their estimates of a species’ length to its actual dimensions and compare it to their own heights. In the first session, children work individually or...

Produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, this activity enables students to consider how techniques and methods for storing information have developed since prehistoric times. This looks at storage methods such as memory, drawings, written texts and digital media.

Students look at why the development...

This activity, from the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, helps students to develop their skills in assessing information. Students consider what they need to look for in an information source to be sure that it is reliable. Students consider the peer review process of a professional journal and compare this...

This activity, from the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, helps students to examine the claims to truthfulness of statements of different kinds. The aim is to become more critical of the use of language and to develop a constructive scepticism when assessing primary and secondary information. Students are given...
