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This unit looks at 'fracking', the extraction of shale gas by hydraulic fracturing, as an application of science and considers who has access to, and influence over, decision-making processes which determine what risks are acceptable, and who they...

This resource is part of a collection of Nuffield Maths resources that explore Algebra and Maths. The demand is roughly equivalent to that in Higher Level GCSE and Level 2 Functional Mathematics.

The resource can be used when introducing linear graphs: this shows how to draw a graph using formulae in Excel....

This resource is part of a collection of Nuffield Maths resources that explore Algebra and Maths. The demand is roughly equivalent to that in Higher Level GCSE and Level 2 Functional Mathematics.

In this resource students learn to substitute values into formulae and to use a calculator to evaluate...

Scientists at the University of Oxford often use mathematical modelling as a key part of their research.  Modelling how information travels through social media sites is a part of understanding ways to analyse and potentially reduce the spread of misinformation.


In this logic puzzle students have to use the information given in a story about four siblings to work out the days of the week their birthdays are on and what presents they received.

Once the students have read the story they have to extract the relevant information. They are then encouraged to enter into a...

In this logic puzzle students have to use the information given in a story about the individual days out of four work colleagues to determine where they went, what they did and who they went with.

Once the students have read the story they have to extract the relevant information. They are then encouraged to...

In this logic puzzle students have to use the information given in a story about four friends who meet up in the city centre to go shopping. The challenge is to determine which area of the city each friend lives in, what they purchased, and who they gave their purchase to.

Once the students have read the...

This activity is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics as an application of solving multi-step mathematical problems and evaluating the outcomes. It is one of three mathematical problem-solving activities with a...

This activity is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics to demonstrate the practical use of greedy...

This activity is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics to develop students' use of formal...

This resource invites students to investigate how many tables and chairs in a new range of dining furniture should be made in order to get the greatest profit. Topics covered include modeling, forming equations, graphing solutions and linear programming.

The resource includes a...

This set of activities is designed for a STEM Ambassador to use when introducing their work in the highways and transport industry to pupils aged 14 to 16. They can also be used by teachers to introduce the challenges faced by transport infrastructure in the UK and the roles played by 3 different types of transport...

Many of the chemicals we use as drugs, flavourings and perfumes originate from natural sources but often the most economical way of obtaining them is to produce them artificially on an industrial scale.

In this...

This optimisation problem is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics as an application of first fit, first fit decreasing and full bin algorthims.

In this activity students have to decide how to pack a number of items into the least number of parcels possible, within certain...

This optimisation problem is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics as an application of a first fit decreasing algorthim.

In this activity students have to decide how to cut pieces of wood to make a shelving unit using the least number of planks of wood, within certain constraints....
