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In this activity students examine the Olympic 100m winning times from 1928 to 2012. Both men's and women's times show an improvement. The challenge is how to show that there is an improving trend and to show which times show the most improvement. Scatter graphs,...

MEI Online Resources provide this introduction to Matrices for AQA FP1. Detailed notes covering the manipulation of Matrices and Crucial Points to learn are included, together with study plans for both Heinemann and Oxford textbooks.

Also available are Additional Exercises for students to complete with...

This toolkit, from the Plus magazine's collaboration with Arctic Survey Education, explores the navigational aspects of the expedition, including questions surrounding cartography and Global Positioning (GPS) systems. The toolkit can be download as a whole or as individual components. The individual components are...

This resource is based on two aspects of the design of bar codes used for products on sale in shops. The first aspect is that of a check digit and how it works; the second aspect is that of the actual design for the strips of numbers that make up bar codes. This...

Mathcentre provide this refresher resource for basic differentiation, which has been designed to enable students to prepare for their university mathematics programme. There is a comprehensive review including differentiation of a general power multiplied by a constant, simple fractions and general brackets.


Sovon, a Dutch bird protection organisation, counts birds. The number of greylag geese is increasing. Students are asked to investigate whether this increase is worrying for the diversity of water bird species? Students explore what the concept biodiversity means, how it can be described mathematically and what are...

In this activity, from the Institution of Engineering and technology (IET), students investigate a use of electronic systems to improve health care.

They study a case where a Body Centric Antenna (BCA) increases the...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), looks at how the boomerang works from design and scientific principles. Students explore how aerodynamic forces affect the flight of objects, relate the design features of the boomerang to its path...

This activity covers the compact method of coding used by Braille. It explores calculating the number of different patterns that exist using a 3 x 2 design.


A set of simple scratch ‘debugging’ activities that children can use to apply their understanding of programs and codes.  Children are shown a series of faulty programs which are based around the water cycle.  They are then supported to use logical reasoning to locate and fix the bugs within them.  Notes for...

In this activity, learners will compare journey times for different modes of transport and will calculate the time to travel specified distances. It allows learners to apply their maths skills in a practical application.

Materials include an introductory presentation, activity sheet and handout.


This practical activity from the Royal Institution provides students with an understanding of the different ways in which proportion can be expressed. Through a mixture of explanation and practical work, students explore how it is possible to give an accurate quantitative description of colours. Students mix...

In this activity students consider the questions:

• Why is the car manufacturer interested in planting trees?
• How much pollution do cars cause?
• How can plants compensate for car pollution?
• What...

This resource from Mathcentre explores vectors in two and three-dimensions, how to calculate the length of a position vector and the angle between a position vector and an x axis. After reading through the text and completed the exercise questions, students should be able to: 

  • coordinate unit vectors...

This resource provided by Siemens, aimed at primary learners, looks at how science, technology and engineering has shaped the way we live. It is divided into four activities which link to aspects of the technology, science and mathematics curriculum.

  • The power of steam - The first part...
