Resources by Computing At School
Displaying 1 - 10 of 56
Abracadabra! The Magic of Computer Science (Summer 2010)
This edition of the Computing at School (CAS) newsletter covers a range of topics including:
*Unplugged computing magic tricks
*Programming using Alice, Scratch and GameMaker
*Making games with Kodu
*Object oriented programming in Java with Greenfoot
Algorithm efficiency
From a more mathematical perspective this time, this document covers the derivation of algorithm complexity. It could be used in the classroom as extension reading or as a homework.
Big O Notation
This presentation covers algorithms and their complexity expressed as Big O notation. This could be used by students as a revision aid or as a basic introduction to the topic.
Binary, decimal, hexadecimal conversion activity
Students always need practice in number system conversion. This resource gives them instant feedback and allows them to progress from conversion to binary addition. This would make an ideal homework activity. the file is a macro enabled worksheet and can be downloaded from the zip file.
Celebrating the Genius of Alan Turing (Spring 2012)
This edition of the Computing at School newsletter, focused on the life and work of Alan Turing, contains articles covering:
*The life of Alan Turing
*Guide to Bletchley Park
*The early history of the Raspberry Pi
*The Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer prototyping board
Children, Computing and Powerful Ideas (Spring 2015)
This edition of the Computing at School newsletter contains articles covering:
*CAS community resources
*BCS Certificate in Computer Science Teaching
*Master Teachers
*Pedagogy in computing teaching and across the curriculum
*The Barefoot Computing project
Compression and encryption theory
This resource consists of two documents. One is a theory sheet and the other a structured workbook for students to complete. This would form a useful independent learning resource so could be issued as a homework task.
Computational thinking and algorithms
An unplugged activity to convert binary numbers into coordinates that enable students to recreate an image using values given in binary. The resource also includes a spreadsheet which can be used to make more complex images for use with students at a more advanced level. The presentation is more of a discussion of...
Computational thinking: Puzzling tours
This is a very comprehensive resource covering a range of pathfinding algorithm activities using graphs. It includes the Knight’s Tour puzzle as well as other examples. This is a highly readable resource that could be used for smaller activities including homework.
The 'Compute-IT teacher packs' are designed to support specialists and non-specialists alike, and provide:
- Introductions to teaching the programme of study for computing using 'Compute-IT'
- A...