Resources by 1001 Math Problems

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1001 Math Problems features resources that focus on mathematical reasoning and problem solving. The problems are aimed at Key Stage 3, though many of them would also lend themselves to Key Stage 2. The work is presented here in the form of printable...

3D reasoning

This collection contains resources from the website by Sian Zelbo. Topics covered are 2D representations of 3D space, 3D spatial reasoning, and names of 3D shapes. The materials are ideal for use with Key Stage 3 students.  

Alice’s party

This puzzle contains five pieces of information about people shaking hands at a party. The task is to establish the number of people at the party and determine who shook whose hand.

Ancient number system problem

A number system of symbols is presented in three additions. The initial problem is to work out what each symbol represents and then to find out how to count from 1 to 20 using the symbols. This resource is suitable for Key Stage 3.

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Area puzzles

The mathematical topics required to solve the puzzles are areas of triangles and rectangles. The shapes are combinations of triangles and rectangles, with some areas and some distances marked. The challenge is to calculate the missing dimensions. The puzzles were inspired by Naoki Inaba’s ‘area maze puzzles’. This...

Arithmetic sequence puzzle

This resource looks at arithmetic sequences. The first puzzle involves three intersecting lines with circles marked. The challenge is to create arithmetic sequences that will fit each line. The second challenge is harder since there are four lines and more intersections. The resource is suitable for Key Stage 3...

This collection contains resources from the website by Sian Zelbo. The focus is on alternative number bases. With the increased focus in schools on computer science, these materials make an ideal introduction to working in bases other than base 10. Each topic is introduced in the form of a...

Box problem

This puzzle is idea for use when teaching nets. Six nets are presented and the challenge is to decide which can be folded into a cuboid. The nets are provided in a format that allows for cutting out to test answers. This resource is suitable for Key Stage 3.

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Coin problem

This puzzle is about factors and multiples. A purse contains an unlimited supply of 5 cent and 8 cent coins. A candy store with 6 items will only accept exact change. The challenge is to find which items can be purchased.  There is an extension activity for making the numbers from 1 to 50 and then finding the...

Coloured blocks problem

This puzzle is ideaL when working on 2D representations of 3D space. The top, side and front view of a stack of blocks is shown. The challenge is to work out how many blocks of each colour are in the stack. This resource is suitable for Key Stage 3.

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