Resources by G Bell & Sons

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Physical chemistry, with its law of mass-action, is largely concerned with differential equations.

The object of this book is to give an account of the central parts of the subject in as simple a form as possible, suitable for those with no previous knowledge of it, and yet at the same time to point out the...

This text is aimed at first year A Level mathematics students and covers the pure mathematics content of BTEC examinations.

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This resource, published by G Bell and Sons Ltd is a continuation of Elementary Analysis and was intended to complete a two-year Sixth Form course in Pure Mathematics. Its main focus is with the development and applications of calculus, together with the necessary...

This revised edition covers all aspects of the mathematic A Level syllabus.

Further elementary analysis: chapters 1 to 4

This resource, published by G Bell and Sons, is a continuation of Elementary Analysis and was intended to complete a two-year Sixth Form course in Pure Mathematics. It is largely concerned with the development and applications of calculus, together with the necessary parallel developments in other branches of...

Further elementary analysis: chapters 11 to 15

This resource, published by G Bell and Sons, is a continuation of Elementary Analysis and was intended to complete a two-year Sixth Form course in Pure Mathematics. It is largely concerned with the development and applications of calculus together with the necessary parallel developments in other branches of...

Further elementary analysis: chapters 16 to 20

This resource, published by G Bell and Sons, is a continuation of Elementary Analysis and was intended to complete a two-year Sixth Form course in Pure Mathematics. It is largely concerned with the development and applications of calculus together with the necessary...

Further elementary analysis: chapters 5 to 10

This resource, published by G Bell and Sons, is a continuation of Elementary Analysis and was intended to complete a two-year Sixth Form course in Pure Mathematics. It is largely concerned with the development and applications of calculus together with the necessary parallel developments in other branches of...

Further elementary analysis: revision papers

This resource, published by G Bell and Sons, is a continuation of Elementary Analysis and was intended to complete a two-year Sixth Form course in Pure Mathematics. It is largely concerned with the development and applications of calculus together with the necessary...


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