Resources by RBA Coleccionables, S.A.
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
A famous writer once distinguished between the 'lines of intellect' and the 'curves of emotions'. Accepting this metaphor, readers should be warned this book, despite dealing with mathematics, abounds with emotion every page! Its elegant and sinuous heroines are known by suggestive names such as ellipse, hyperbola...
The importance of calculus and of concepts such as 'derivatives' and 'integrals' is hard to underestimate. It has been said that without them the scientific revolution would have been impossible. Although their origins date back to the Ancient World, the crucial breakthrough...
A great mathematician once said that music was 'the pleasure that the human mind experiences from counting without being aware of it'. There are may fascinating connections between music and mathematics, from the relationship between harmony and numbers - an idea that has amazed mathematicians since the time of...
This book is part of the Archive Collection which is available to view at the National STEM Learning Centre.