Resources by QED Publishing

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This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Increasing number awareness and making maths enjoyable, this series presents a rich variety of maths activities and games, explaining basic concepts and extending skills.

Increasing number awareness and making maths enjoyable, this series presents a rich variety of maths activities and games, explaining basic concepts and extending skills.

Increasing number awareness and making maths enjoyable, this series presents a rich variety of maths activities and games, explaining basic concepts and extending skills.

Discover the Earth's make-up and learn about the forces that have shaped and moulded our planet. From raging volcanoes to climate change, the story of the Earth has never been so accessible. This book is a...

This book is part of the Archive Collection which is available to view at the National STEM Learning Centre.1

This book allows readers to create their own adventure and explore the jungle. Readers have to solve rainforest riddles and biology brain-teasers to find their way through the jungle. Readers must use their problem-...

This book looks at how penguins keep warm in temperatures colder than a freezer, and why they are the most devoted dad in the animal kingdom.

Animal Diaries are personal accounts written by young animal...

What is the Asteroid Belt? Why do comets have a tail? What is the difference between a meteor and a meteorite? Learn the answers to these questions and many more fascinating facts about asteroids, comets and meteors in this stunning book from QED. 

This book answers questions such as how many stars are there? How can you talk to aliens? And what happens when a star explodes? Readers discover...


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