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'100 Tips for Teaching Creativity' contains 100 innovative ideas, which have been tried and tested at the chalk-face, on how best to encourage students to be creative across all subjects.

David Spendlove presents 100 innovative ideas for teaching design and technology at secondary school level. Ideas range from practical classroom activities to ideas for different design and technology subject topics...

Students often think that science is a boring and difficult subject with no relevance to their everyday lives. '100 Ideas for Teaching Science' contains creative ideas on how to put the 'wow' factor back into science...

This text features lists ranging from the practical, such as preparing for an interview, organising your classroom and dealing with difficulties, to the fun, such as how the children perceive you and what not to wear...

This is a collection of 50 instant mathematics lessons that require little effort in preparation time and are aimed at busy secondary teachers. The lesson plans explain the rationale behind the...

The central purpose of this book is to enable practitioners to undertake and to offer an account of an action research project.

The volume is divided into seven sections, the first six of which are headed by...

Assessment can be the hardest part of any teacher's job. It is easy to fall into the trap of seeing it all as unnecessary paperwork and feeling guilty about not having done it properly. This book offers practical...

'Classmates' is an exciting series launched in September 2003 from Continuum. Packed with practical advice, and written in a witty and accessible style, these essential guides will tackle all the key aspects of...

This invaluable guide provides teachers with a wide range of practical strategies for motivating students of all ages in their science lessons. Considering investigations, biology, chemistry and physics in turn, Christine Farmery's book is full of ideas for engaging students with science. She demonstrates how...

This second edition provides tips and inspirational advice on every aspect of teaching maths.


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