Resources by Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching
Displaying 51 - 60 of 162
Fractions and Percentages
This MEP resource from CIMT is taken from text book 9A which covers the mathematics scheme of work for the first half of year 9.
Fractions and percentages covers: a review of equivalent fractions; finding fractions of quantaties; operations with fractions; fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents;...
Fruit Machines
Probability is the focus of this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching. A fruit machine is used to provide a practical situation which allows students the opportunity to explore the likelihood of obtaining a winning line, while the work is structured to prompt class discussion and...
Genetic Fingerprinting
The mathematics behind genetic fingerprinting is explored in this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching. Sketches show, in simplified form, how genetic fingerprinting can be applied to establish paternity and students calculate the probabilities of matching bands from samples.
Designed to improve confidence in mathematics, these resources from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching, focus on geometry and were developed particularly for primary teachers and those non-specialists who teach mathematics in the lower secondary years.
Each section offers an overview of a...
Global Warming
Global warming is the focus of this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching. Students are provided with data relating to average temperature rises over a 110 year period which are used to prompt class discussion and mathematical thinking.
Graphical representation is a key element of...
This MEP resource from CIMT is taken from text book 7A which covers the mathematics scheme of work for the first half of year 7. This resource covers the drawing of graphs and hence the formation of cartesian axes and plotting points including: scatter graphs, plotting points using coordinates, negative numbers on...
Graphs, Equations and Inequalities
This MEP resource from CIMT is taken from text book 9B which covers the mathematics scheme of work for the second half of year 9.
Graphs, equations and inequalities covers: linear inequalities on a number line, solving linear inequalities, a recap of the equation of a straight line, graphs of quadratic...
Handling Data
Designed to improve confidence in mathematics, these resources from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching, focus on handling data and were developed particularly for primary teachers and those non-specialists who teach mathematics in the lower secondary years.
Each section offers an historical...
Happy Planet Index
The balance between economic success and the environment is the focus of this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching. It provides an example of how mathematics can help to make people more aware of important issues. Students apply statistical measures to interpret a variety of data which...
The scoring system used for the heptathlon event is the focus of this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching. Students are provided with athlete's individual results from the seven events that make up the heptathlon. They then apply relevant formulae to the data and produce tables, or...