Gender issues in science and technology (technology in context)

This book comprises a series of eight case studies, practical guidance on running INSET in schools, and advice on action research in schools for teachers who might wish to conduct research into gender issues in the classroom.

It is designed mainly for teachers of 7 to 14 year olds, although it will be relevant to teachers of any age group. It focuses on gender issues, investigating stereotyping, classroom activities to highlight and challenge stereotyping, departmental and whole school planning strategies.

The case studies, developed within primary schools, and in Science and Technology departments of secondary schools, will have relevance within any subject area. A wide range of teaching situations is recorded. This is supplemented by a full commentary which highlights the issues involved and details alternative strategies for teachers to adapt.

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Subject(s)Cross curricular, Design and technology
Age7-11, 11-14
Shelf referenceA 372.358 SCS
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