AQA GCSE modular science: Foundation edition
This sister edition of 'AQA GCSE Science' has been written and designed with foundation tier candidates in mind. As with the mainstream text, the full double award AQA specifications, both linear and modular, are covered.
The text is structured around the AQA modular course, with matching grids linking these to the co-ordinated AQA course ensuring that both are comprehensively covered.
'AQA GCSE modular science: foundation edition' has been written with the correct language level and approach firmly in mind to ensure accessibility to foundation level students.
Main features include: *
- Scientific concepts delivered in clear language with greater emphasis on everyday examples of science in the real world
- 'Did you know?' boxes throughout the text offering further interesting information relevant to a particular topic.
- Highlighted key ideas and terms to ensure that students are familiar with the required vocabulary
- Summary boxes at the end of each chapter which refresh and reinforce important ideas in the chapter
- Numerous topic questions that give students the opportunity to demonstrate how well they have understood the contents of the section
- Examination questions that give students practise at answering different styles of question in anticipation of their final exam.
The authors are all examiners for AQA, with experience of teaching or examining foundation and Certificate of Achievement students.
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