AQA GCSE chemistry additions
'AQA GCSE chemistry additions' has been written by a senior examiner to cover the additional material from the latest AQA chemistry specifications not covered by double award science.
A specification matching grid at the start ensures that the book can be used by those taking either the co-ordinated specification or the new modular specification. Higher tier sections are clearly differentiated from the core material, enabling the book to be used by foundation and higher students alike.
When used with the core textbook AQA GCSE science, this text provides comprehensive coverage of all the material required for success in separate science GCSE chemistry.
The main features of the book include:
- Key terms listed at the start of every chapter to ensure that students are familiar with the required vocabulary
- 'Did you know?' boxes within the text to offer additional pieces of interesting information
- Ideas and evidence sections to ensure that students will have covered all the material required for this new strand of Sc1
- Summary boxes at the end of each chapter containing all the material students will require for exam success
- Topic question boxes throughout the text to consolidate the information covered in the chapter
- Examination questions at the end of the chapter to enable students to practice answering various styles of question.
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