Develop understanding (ASE)
Support and advice from ASE (Association of Science Education).
Why You’ll Never Catch Smallpox
Transport your pupils back to a time when smallpox stalked the world and introduce them to Dr Jenner, James Phipps, and the experiment that has probably saved their lives.
In this innovative set of resources pupils learn about Dr Edward Jenner's pioneering work with smallpox vaccination using a variety of cross curricular approaches including data analysis, exploring primary and secondary history sources, art, creative writing and film-making.
There are four core activities and five enrichment activities for children aged from 9 to11. The activities are designed to develop pupils' skills in 'working scientifically', maths, English history and ethics. They are fully linked to Learning Outcomes drawn from the relevant National Curriculum documents.
These resources have been developed and produced by the Association for Science Education in partnership with James Films, with support from the Wellcome Trust.
Global Learning teaching resources
A set of highly engaging materials enabling pupils to work scientifically within a global context.
Through investigation pupils discover how science is being used to solve real problems in the developing world, and consider how solutions already implemented there may be applicable to our own lives here in the UK.
Materials for each lesson comprise of a PowerPoint presentation, which incorporates student worksheets, and comprehensive teacher notes with links to useful secondary sources of information. In addition to being suitable for the science curriculum these materials can be used in a science or STEM club.
These resources have been developed and produced by the Association for Science Education in collaboration with Practical Action for the Global Learning Programme England.