Resources for using manipulatives in key stage 3 mathematics
A list of resources to support the course Using manipulatives to enhance understanding in key stage 3 mathematics (MY204) which explores the use of counters, interlocking cubes, dominos, geoboards, dice in mathematics lessons.
A list of resources using pentominoes
A collection of classroom activities using dominos
A collection of classroom activities using geoboards
Dice Activities
A collection of classroom activities using a dice
Manipulatives Enhance the Learning of Mathematics
By Dr Jean Shaw
Cuisenaire and Singapore Bar
A collection of resources and links to articles exploring the use of Bar Modelling
SMILE (Secondary Mathematics Individualised Learning Experiment) was initially developed as a series of practical activities for secondary school students by practising teachers in the 1970s. It became a complete individualised scheme based around a network of activity cards and assessments. The cards were organised so that each student followed their own path through the work which was recorded on a network.
This collection contains:
*SMILE workcards organised into mathematical topics based upon the SMILE networks.
*SMILE booklets, which are cards that are booklets in themselves.
*Supplementary materials.