Fusion 360 tutorials
A collection of Fusion 360 tutorials that support the teaching of sketching, modelling, rendering, use of sculpt, running simulations, animation, and drawing.
What is CAD modelling?
This lesson introduces students to the concept of CAD modelling and details the difference between 2D and 3D images and CAD and CAM. It also provides a basic introduction to creating a simple 3D model using Fusion 360.
The Webb Telescope in Fusion 360
These guides contain instructions on how to build a 3D CAD model of the Webb Space Telescope using Fusion 360. The Webb Space Telescope is a space telescope that will be the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. Creating your own Webb Telescope in Fusion 360 involves modelling techniques, rendering and a sculpt extension activity for more experienced users of Fusion 360.
How to design and model a toothpaste squeezer
This resource supports students to create a way of squeezing toothpaste out of a traditional toothpaste tube. Students are presented with the challenge, measure different sizes of tooth paste tubes and design a product based upon the example shown.
How to model a cable tidy
This project uses Fusion 360 to demonstrate the design of a cable tidy for a smartphone charger. In additional to basic CAD sketching tools, the resources prompts students to use the 'revolve' function and export their file for 3D printing.