Engineering Habits of Mind-Primary
Engineering Habits of Mind have been developed by the Centre for Real World Learning and the Royal Academy of Engineering. This list supports teaching in finding out more about what these habits of mind are and how they can benefit children's learning of engineering and other subjects at primary level. It includes a full explanation of the EHoM and ideas that schools have used to embed them within teaching and learning.
Thinking like an engineer: implications for the education system
This report, from the Royal Academy of Engineering, offers fresh insights into the ways engineers think. It identifies six engineering habits of mind which, taken together, describe the ways engineers think and act. The report makes a compelling case to suggest that, if the UK wants to produce more engineers, it needs to redesign the education system so that these habits become the desired outcomes of engineering education.
Learning to be an engineer: report
The Royal Academy of Engineering's Learning to be an Engineer research project supported teachers to embed EHoM into their everyday teaching. Here, you'll find details of the project including case studies from schools involved
Engineering Habits of Mind Poster
This poster is a useful prompt when introducing Engineering Habits of Mind.
EHoM Survey: Winchester School
This survey may be used before, during and after introducing EHoM to gather children's views on their developing EHoM skills level.
EHoM Survey:Bohunt School
This survey was provided by Bohunt School, Hampshire. It uses a table that students shade in to show how confident they are with each EHoM.
Think like an engineer project
Rode Heath Primary school have developed a new whole school initiative Think Like an Engineer. Find out how they have used EHoM and embedded engineering across the school.