Moving on with Maths Teaching
Research based, collaborative maths teaching projects. Tested in classrooms. How do you make this work for you? Plan with others? Chat with others?
Dan Meyer blog
Nanas Lemonade:
- Short video (as intro to task...) with no hints tips
- What could the question be?
- No talking, no guidance about the video
- Is it to do with volume, ratio? Concentration? Wheres' the sugar?!
- How can we make them the same?
- Do it in practice: get water, lemons etc.
- It does include guidance, images etc that can be revealed
- Related to removing given values. Can students give reasonable estimates before detailed revealed?
- Too much guidance? Too closed?
- Other peers ideas to lead it, not teacher. Could prepare student answers/questions/lines of enquiry (from previous lessons...)
- Examples of questions- how many could you ask? Good homework activity!
- Need scaffolding, train students to work like this
- Use it once, then bring it in to other topics. "You've seen this before, how does it relate to this new topic?"
How many maths topics DOES it relate to? - Different groups, different questions and student led feedback
- Do not give it away! "today were looking at ratios..."
- Makes students think when compared to Qs from text book
- Hoping for one question, can guide the class into this into the line of enquiry you wanted to pursue!
- Get a hook to get students engaged straight away.
- "worked a treat"
- Be very clear about the objective of the lesson- what it is do you want them to know when they walk out of the door?
- What will the students do? How does that relate to the objective? What is the activity teaching them?
How do you support all students? - Do you have a contingency? A similar activity to meet the objectives. Explain how it links...
- Don't be resource-led, be objective-led
- Have to think through before!
Inquiry Maths
Adding Fractions Inquiry:
- Give students the square, students then have to come up with ideas as to what they notice
- Lead them into noticing patterns themselves
- Not a directed resource
- A way of addressing misconceptions
- Lots of details, brilliant discussion, but... too much?
- Use of regularity cards to prompt student thinking/strategies
- Give them all 6. They choose which to use
- What is the assumed knowledge?
- Used to re-enforce learning? Look at misconceptions etc.
- Can they generalise one? Can you design another example?
- Support materials e.g. starter activity
- Heavy on exploration. Promotes independence. Promotes collaborative work.
- Resource also includes suggested questions and prompts
- "will it work if its got a two on top..?"
- Examples of students work
Task Maths 4
Chapter 10, p11 tilted squares activity
Nrich version of tilted squares
The Standards Unit: Improving learning in mathematics
Standards Unit- see pedagogy materials as well as teaching materials!