Fractions and Decimals
Students are required to understand the notion of parts of numbers in the form of fractions and decimals, and to be able to compare numbers presented in these forms, order numbers presented in these forms and convert between fractions and decimals. This resource package contains a variety of games, investigations and activities designed to enable students to become fluent in these skills.
Visit the secondary mathematics webpage to access all lists.
This resource contains three packs of games, investigations, worksheets and practical activities supporting the teaching and learning of fractions.
Activities appropriate to this topic in Pack One include: matching fractions, equal fraction pairs and equivalent fractions.
Pack Two contains activities such as finding equivalent fractions, equivalent fraction pair and equivalent fraction sort - all of which are good preparation for students to be able to compare fractions.
Pack Three contains the activity fraction sort in which cards showing numbers in fraction, decimal and percentage form are matched.
Fraction Games for Students Aged 11-13
This resource contains a selection of games designed for students to practise using their understanding of the mathematical topics of fractions, decimals and percentages. The games are:
Three in a row : a strategy game using division with decimals
Halves and quarters: division by 2 and 4 to produce decimal numbers
Line up: adding three decimal numbers to make 10
Maze: addition and subtraction to make a number less than 1
More than half: sorting fractions produced by rolling dice
Secret targets: addition of decimals
Who's closer?: a decimal strategy game
This resource contains two packs of games, investigations, worksheets and practical activities supporting the teaching and learning of decimals. Activities appropriate to this list in Pack One include Decimal Sort in which cards containing decimals presented on a number line, in numbers, in words and as a shaded part of a rectangle are matched.
Pack Two contains an activity called Fractions to Decimal Match in which the shaded parts of circles, split into fractions, are matched with their decimal equivalent.
Ordering Fractions and Decimals N1
In this resource students interpret decimals and fractions using scales and areas, find equivalent fractions, order and relate fractions and decimals, and reflect on, and discuss, the processes used. Students are presented with four packs of cards. On one pack is written decimals, the second contains fractions, the third areas and the last scales. Students take part in a variety of activities matching the cards, ordering the numbers, reflecting upon their decisions and comparing solutions.
Arithmetic: Decimals, Fractions and Percentages
The text book Arithmetic: Decimals, Fractions and Percentages contains explanations, examples and exercises beginning by ordering decimals, looking at decimal to fraction conversion, converting fractions to decimals before moving on to percentages. The final section concentrates upon converting between decimals, fractions and percentages.
The activities file contains an activity entitled Card Games with Decimals, Fractions and Percentages in which the students have to convert between the different forms, make sequences from the cards or place the cards in order.
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Make Sense
These two booklets contain a range of activities designed to enable students to make sense of fractions, decimals and percentages. The booklets contain a number of useful activities. Whilst most activities are appropriate to this topic in some way, the equivalent fractions activity in Book One is particularly useful, as are the activities equivalent fraction pairs, fraction sort and fractions to decimals match in Pack Two.
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
This resource contains two interactive excel files dealing with various aspects of fractions, decimals and percentages from The Virtual Textbook.
The first excel file allows students to explore the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages. The second interactive sheet explores fraction and decimal conversion, including recurring decimals.
Fraction Matcher
Fraction Matcher gives students the opportunity to match pairs of pictorial representations and written fractions. Each area contains eight levels of difficulty.
“Fractions Screen” asks students to match fractions less than one, building to improper fraction representations for fractions greater than one.
The “Mixed Number Screen” concentrates upon fractions greater than one.
The teacher notes give detailed explanations of all that can be achieved with the interactive along with links to further activities.