Geometrical Properties of Lines, Angles and Polygons
Students are required to use conventional terms and notation to show that they understand what is meant by the terms: a point, a line, a vertex, parallel, perpendicular, right angle, regular, symmetric and irregular polygons and illustrate this by sketching, constructing and drawing on coordinate axes. This resource package contains a range of activities to support the teaching and learning of these objectives.
Visit the secondary mathematics webpage to access all lists.
Students need to be confident when using coordinates. Whilst location on a grid is a simple concept, many students need practice to gain confidence when using coordinates. This resource has a variety of appropriate activities including Coordinate messages in which students use coordinates to make and decipher codes, using Coordinates to solve a puzzle on a treasure map, and using coordinates to draw pictures and to solve the puzzle in the activity Where’s that town?
Properties of Shapes
It is important that students are confident when using the vocabulary associated with shapes. These resources contain a variety of activities useful for practising using appropriate vocabulary. In pack one, appropriate activities are Sam shape in which different shapes are to be coloured differently, Word match in which pictures of shapes are matched with their name, Triangle pairs in which different triangles are combined to make new shapes, Diagonals requires students to complete shapes given their diagonals and 4 sides, exploring the names of different quadrilaterals.
In pack two the activity Shape names matches pictures of shapes with their names and their properties whilst, in pack three, Shape up has a more advanced version of a similar activity.
Angle Properties
This resource contains two packs of games, investigations, worksheets and practical activities and a booklet of geometric facts. Pack one has a range of activities exploring angles whilst pack two has activities requiring students to find the size of the exterior angles of a polygon, identify acute and obtuse angles, find the size of the interior angles of a polygon and exploring the connection between the number of vertices, the number of sides and the angle at the centre of a polygon. Geometry facts is a fact sheet containing definitions of the terms students are required to be familiar with.
Will It or Won't It?
This resource aims to develop students’ understanding of angle properties in shapes. Students are asked to tile a floor and discover which shapes will tessellate. They then discover angle facts from regular polygons, and move on to use angle facts to predict tessellations. Finally students use angle facts to support geometrical reasoning and make a presentation of their solutions and assess others’ solutions.
The textbook Polygons begins by revising basic angle facts before covering the angle properties of polygons. Students are required to calculate the size of the interior and exterior angles of a regular polygon. The section concludes with a section exploring the properties of quadrilaterals. The section contains explanations, examples and exercises requiring students to identify quadrilaterals by considering their properties.
The activity file has two activities appropriate to this topic. Special quadrilaterals requires students to complete a table of properties for common quadrilaterals and Transforming polygons considers the fact that ‘any polygon can be transformed into any other polygon of equal area by cutting it into a finite number of pieces and rearranging’.
Symmetry - EAL
The activities in this resource are best used at the end of a unit looking at shapes and symmetry to revise the vocabulary pupils have encountered and to ensure they can apply the correct definitions to the visual representations of different types of shape and symmetry. In a jigsaw activity pupils have to work in groups of 4 to determine a key word from a series of clues. In addition, there is a card matching activity where pupils have to match a visual representation of a key word to its diagramatical representation.