Year 6: Algebra
This list consists of activities, games and videos designed to support the new curriculum programme of study in Year 6. Containing tips on using the resources and suggestions for further use, it covers:
• using simple formulae
• generating and describing linear number sequences
• expressing missing number problems algebraically
• finding pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with two unknowns
• enumerating possibilities of combinations of two variables.
Visit the primary mathematics webpage to access all lists.
Algebra - What's the Pattern?
This short video could be used to start an investigation, with children trying to find the pattern for how many people are able to come to a party as more tables are added. Children may work in pairs to generate and describe the number sequences and could then be challenged to find out how many children could come to the party if there were: 10, 20, 50 or 100 tables? Some children may even go on to generate a formulae for the number of people.
Algebra In Action
This short starter introduces children to the idea of using algebra to work out problems. The question asked in the video should be easy for children to work out, allowing them to explore how they can represent it in symbols.
Interactive games
This site provides many games which practise objectives linked directly to the curriculum. It includes finding missing angles, missing symbols to balance equations and shape and number sequences.