Algebra: Polynomials, transformations and partial fractions

AS level content

  • Understand and use graphs of functions; sketch curves defined by simple equations including polynomials,
  •  y=a/x and y=a/x2 (including their vertical and horizontal asymptotes); interpret algebraic solution of equations graphically; use intersection points of graphs to solve equations
  • Understand and use proportional relationships and their graph
  • Understand the effect of simple transformations on the graph of y=f(x) including sketching associated graphs: y=af(x), y=f(x)+a, y=f(x+a), y=f(ax)

A level content

  • Understand and use composite functions; inverse functions and their graphs
  • Understand the effect of combinations of simple transformations on the graph of y=f(x)
  • Decompose rational functions into partial fractions (denominators not more complicated than squared linear terms and with no more than 3 terms, numerators constant or linear)
  • Use of functions in modelling, including consideration of limitations and refinements of the models