Years 1 & 2: Number and Place Value
This list consists of activities and ideas designed to support the new curriculum programme of study in years 1 and 2. Containing tips on using the resources and suggestions for further use it covers:
Year 1: counting, reading and writing numbers to 100 (in numerals) and in multiples of twos, fives and tens, identify one more/one less, identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations and read and write numbers 1-20 in words.
Year 2: count forwards and backwards in steps of 2,3,5 from 0 and in tens, place value of two digit numbers, identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations, compare and order numbers (0-100) using <,>, = signs, read and write numbers in numerals and solve problems using place value and number facts.
Visit the primary mathematics webpage to access all lists:
Starting Number Skills
A treasure chest of 40 activity work sheets and games linked to many of the mathematical topics in key stage 1. Many activities allow children to become confident at recognising numbers as numerals and pictorial representations before recognising them as words, including a range of engaging problem solving challenges encouraging application of understanding of number up to ten.
Maths Chest 2 - Number: Pack 1
Aimed at Year 1, this resource provides many activity ideas for counting, reading, writing and recognising numbers using practical tasks. All activities are focused on understanding numerals zero to ten, including a range of ideas and strategies for understanding an empty set/zero.
Maths Chest 3 - Number: Pack 1
Aimed at year 2, this resource provides games and activities, including photocopiable worksheets. They could be used with the whole class or with smaller groups practising specific topics. All activities are focused on understanding numerals 0-20, including a range of engaging problem solving challenges encouraging application of understanding of ordering and grouping, greater than, less than and equal to.