Years 3 & 4: Measures
This list consists of activities, games and videos designed to support the new curriculum programme of study in Years Three and Four. Containing tips on using the resources and suggestions for further use, it covers:
Year 3: measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm); mass (kg/g); volume/capacity (l/ml), perimeter of simple 2-D shapes, add and subtract money to give change, tell and write the time from an analogue clock using Roman numerals from I to XII, 12 and 24-hour clocks, estimate and read time to the nearest minute, record and compare time in seconds, minutes and hours, know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month, year and leap year, compare durations of events.
Year 4: Convert between different units of measure [for example, km to m], measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure(cm, m), find the area of shapes by counting squares, estimate, compare and calculate different measures, including money in pounds and pence, read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks, solve problems involving time.
Visit the primary mathematics webpage to access all lists.
Data, Graphs, Charts, Measures and Money
Measures counting stick and Converting measures show the conversions between metric units of capacity and mass, the starting number and steps to take along the stick can be selected. It also shows a conversion graph between miles and kilometres.
Money problems has three parts. The first is a starter to work out the value of nine coins of each denominations. The second and third involve Joe's Diner, where food items from a menu are selected and the total cost can be revealed.
Money problems 2 sets the scene of Jane's money box, where the amount of money Jane has can be selected. Students are then asked to state with reasons what coins there could be in the box. Guidance and possible questions are included.
Area and Perimeter
Book 1 provides several activity ideas and worksheets on finding the area and perimeter of shapes. It includes finding areas by counting squares and finding the length of perimeters by counting. It also helps to develop the formula for the area of a rectangle and drawing different shapes with a given perimeter. Some of the activities go beyond the content required at this level but may be used to extend and enrich learning.
Time Worksheets and Flash Cards
If you are looking for a worksheet or flashcards to practise time, this website allows you to design worksheets to suit your class.
This video highlights two interesting ideas for teaching measure. In the first idea, a teacher provides a context for a problem involving measuring liquids - that of making a magic potion.
Making muffins for a competition provides a context in which children use scales to measure the ingredients as accurately as they can.
The interactive measuring cylinder and scales used in the clip can be found in the next resource.