Great websites
Great space related websites
List created by Tom Lyons - ESERO UK Teacher Fellow
View the galaxy at different wavelengths
Nobel Prize Site
Great videos and biographies.
Earth Expedition and Beyond
EEAB is designed to facilitate student-driven, authentic research projects that study the Earth and if desired, compare Earth to other planetary bodies such as the Moon and Mars. Images of Earth acquired by astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS), requested and used by scientists within the ARES Image Science and Analysis Laboratory at NASA JSC, are the hook for getting students interested and involved in the program.
Nuffield Practical Physics
Nuffield astronomy collection with experiments and teaching guidance.
Khan Academy videos
Video lectures on astronomy and cosmology
Universe Sandbox
Make your own solar system or mess about with ours
NASA @ Home and City
How space affects your daily life
NASA STEM on Station
Videos from the International Space Station with related classroom resources, across the STEM subjects.
Royal Society lecture on space travel
Public lecture by British astronaut, Helen Sharman, and former Soviet Cosmonaut, Anatoly Artsebarsky as part of the 2012 Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition.
Science off the Sphere
Astronaut and chemist Dr. Don Pettit does physics demos that are out of this world. Currently on board the International Space Station, Dr. Pettit presents fantastic physics that can only be demonstrated in micro-gravity.
Eyes on the Solar System
"Eyes on the Solar System" is a 3-D environment full of real NASA mission data. Explore the cosmos from your computer.
Solar Storms infographic
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