Using formulae
Substituting into formulae
An interactive CIMT resource that gives students immediate feedback.
Substituting into formulae
This is a .pdf version of the earlier CIMT interactive resource.
Using formulae
Using formulae starting with familiar concepts such as area and perimeter.
Interactive substituting into formulae
There are three levels of difficulty you can select here so it's easy to meet the needs of a wide range of student ability. I couldn't find a way to turn off the timer, which limited the resources usefulness in practice. I did like the way that the students got immediate feedback on their answers and, with a different group, I used it when we had a lesson in a classroom where everyone had their own computer. Worked a treat.
Interpreting Algebraic Expressions A1
This pack provides a whole lesson, including progression through the material though I didn't use it like that. Unusually I used it pretty much as it was. This was harder for the children than the commentary implied.
Interpreting Functions, Graphs and Tables A7
I only used part of this resource, Card set B (the formulae) and Card set C (the words). Even though this was a middle set I used the whole of both sets. It worked pretty well as a way of getting the children to understand what the expressions actually mean. What would you have to do. I had also prepared to use the tables (Card set E) but we didn't get that far. The earlier work on indices which we did in the lesson (it was supposed to be a quick recap) just took longer than expected.
LSIS rearranging formulae
This one is a card activity which worked well with pairs of students.
Rearranging formulae
You need the powerpoint called "rearranging formulae" from this page.
Prodigi formulae
Interactive resources related to algebra. Scroll down the page to find the resources about using and rearranging formulae